Wednesday, September 26, 2018



Once upon a time, there was this girl who gave a man her heart. Not just her heart but her everything. she tried to be his answer to a lifelong problem. she tried to be the shoulder he could cry on. She wanted to be the one person he could go to in a time of need. Everything was fine. everything was beautiful. until one tragic day, everything changed. he didn't seem to put in as much effort into an everyday situation as he used to. Every kiss goodbye seemed so rushed. The Good morning and goodnight texts seemed to go away. He became so distant... she wanted to believe that everything would be ok. She wanted to believe that everything would go back to normal, but it only seems to be breaking them both slowly. So she decided to write and expose her feelings in the form of a not so great blog. so let this be the beginning of a beautiful tragedy, but also a warning to all the fellow tainted hearted beasts of the world. Love Hurts...
Image result for blue aestheticShe wanted answers. She wanted the truth. she wanted to know how he was feeling, what was going through his head. The question is..will she? if so how? this blog is going to go through her life experiences and how she handles this usage.  I will post every day.  Maybe twice depending on how I'm feeling.
"she wears her pain like an invisible cloak you'll never see her pain except through her eyes for they are as blue as the oceans of tears she cries"

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