Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Thoughts #2

how does it feel being a nobody?

how does it feel? imagine you, yes you. imagine yourself smaller than others. imagine yourself as a flower. a flower in a beautiful garden. all of the flowers are happy, the bees are buzzing, the birds are singing their songs..then out of nowhere a fire starts...all of the other flowers in your field have been turned into brittle ashes. blown away by the unforgiving wind. and you, your flower is left there. without any other flowers to pollinate it won't survive...it will soon wither away.

 now, the flower is you. the garden is society. and the fire is publicity and drama. it hurts knowing one moment you are in a field of popularity and one mistake will cause a fire and ruin you and your beautiful social life as a whole...

Monday, November 5, 2018

Thoughts #1

I feel rather awkward...
after breaking up with whom I thought was the true love I feel as if people are starting to lose their taste. I believe people are confusing the feeling of love and appearance. people aren't loving someone out of love. rather they are loving them out of social status, and how they will make the other person look with them on their arm... I believe love is being miss guided. love isn't sex. love isn't a one night stand. love is a connection you have with someone. it's so much more than just a hormone. its the feeling of two spirits connecting. don't get me wrong lust does feel good, but in my eyes having someone to hold and having someone I can fully call my own feels even better. with or without sex, appearance, etc. but that's just me...